Felt Picture(removable) Board + Storage(travel) Box

What you need:

- - several sheets of felt - different colors
- - big box + old shoe box
- - scissors
- - glue
- - string
- - colorful tape (optional)

1. Cut the side from the box and glue felt on.

2. You can use the tape to create a "frame" but this is optional.

3. Create holes and use the string or ribbon to hang the board. Next, cut different shapes out of the felt which can be used to make pictures. The board can be hanging or placed on the ground while kids are playing.

4. Create a box to put all felt pieces in. First you need old shoe box. Next, glue felt on the lid - both outside and inside the box.

Paint and decorate your box and put all your stuff in. The box can be use as a storage for all the felt piece or can be taken along for a long car ride!

If you have a project you would like to share, as well as any comments, send it in!