Grassy Head

What you need:

- stocking end
- potting soil
-rubber bands
- 2 googly eyes
- white glue
- 1 spoonful of grass seed
- shallow bowl
- scissors
- water

1. Put several handfuls of soil in stocking end
2. Shape soil into round head and close with rubber band
3. Pinch soil in stocking to make nose and wrap with rubber band
4. Pinch soil at sides to make ears and wrap with rubber bands
5. glue on googly eyes
6. undo rubber band and open stocking at the back. Place grass seed on soil at top of head. Close stocking using the rubber band again.
7. Soak stocking head in water for a few minutes. Place in a dish and keep in sunny place. Add water every day. In about 10 days the grass will sprout. You can trim the grass hair or leave it long…
Here are our grassy heads:

If you have a project you would like to share, as well as any comments, send it in!