Halloween Magnets

What you need:

- - glass gems (you can find these in a craft store, or in a craft section of walmart, dollar store etc.)
- - halloween flyers, pictures
- - scissors
- - craft glue that turns clear once dry
- - paint brush
- - magnets (we used the ones with one sticky side)

1. Find a Halloween picture you would like to turn into a magnet. Place glass gem on the picture.

2. Cut around the gem.

3. Mix together glue and water (1:1). Use small paint brush for spreading the glue mixture on the glass gem as shown on the picture. Place the picture on the gem with the "right" side being placed on the glue and press it down.

4. Let it dry and add the magnet.

If you have a project you would like to share, as well as any comments, send it in!